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Jasmine is 9 years old and has no specific disability but has a diet which she has selfrestricted to only 4 foods: chips, nuggets, plain pasta and cheese. Her parents have identified that she used to eat a wider variety of foods but has systematically eliminated many of these and engages in food refusal behaviours such as screaming, gagging and running away from the dinner table. A paediatrician has identified that this restricted diet may lead to significant health complications in the future.

The behavioural consultant formulated a behaviour support plan to incentivise reintroducing previously eaten foods and for trying new foods. Jasmine’s parents then trained in how to implement the plan at mealtimes through demonstration and coaching during a couple of mealtimes and collect data on her progress. Progress is reviewed via 1hour phone or video conference weekly for the month and then plans to be gradually faded as Jasmine is successfully eating a more diverse range of foods as prescribed by her paediatrician.