Frequently Asked Questions

1How do I make an enquiry?
Contact our office to request an information pack and set up a free, initial phone consultant with one of our behavioural consultants.
2How long will I need to wait for services?
Wait times will vary according to the type of supports you require, your availability to schedule services and our available staff. Once we ascertain what you need, we can provide you with an estimated start date.
3Do you have a specific area that you travel to, to deliver support services?
We provide services mainly in the Sydney area. However, we have had great success with using phone and video conferencing to support participants in more remote areas. Commented
4How can I pay for services
You can use NDIS funding (depending on the support categories you are funded under) or pay privately.
5How much will it cost?
The cost for services will vary according to the volume of services you require. We typically make recommendations and provide estimates irrespective of funding amounts. However, if you have a specific budget you are trying to work within then we are more than happy to discuss how to maximise your funding for the most effective outcomes.
6Do you have a physical office?
No. As a mobile service delivery model, we do not. This allows us to minimise participant travel, keep service costs lower and ensure that assessment of supports happens in the settings that they will actually be used to increase the likelihood they will be effective.
7Who will be delivering the supports?
Typically supports are delivered by members of TeaMLS, whose information you can find here. While we can’t guarantee specific individuals, we can assure you that all team members are vetted, evaluated and trained continuously. Alternately, some participants recruit their own support workers who receive training, evaluation and direction from us.
8What does it mean if someone is ‘board certified’?
Board certification is an international credentialing process that ensures people within the behaviour analysis field meet the minimum standards for effective delivery of behaviour analysis. It has only recently been begun to be adopted here in Australia, yet is not a formal requirement in Australia (yet). Our team are either credentialed or in pursuit of the credential as part of their employment. For more information check out the ABAA’s website
9How long does a typical session last for?
3 hours minimum for participants not yet school age. 2 hours minimum if sessions are after school for school-aged participants.
10Do you work with participants in their classrooms?
We most certainly do. We call this ‘shadowing’. It is important to consider that our ability to provide supports in the day-care or classroom setting is at the discretion of the director or principal of your school.
11Do you provide all the resources we will need for the delivery of supports?
We provide a limited number of resources directly. Most of the resources are in pdf format for families to print and prepare themselves or for us to prepare at a cost
12As a carer, how will I be involved in the delivery of support services?
Carer involvement is critical to every participant’s success. Thy can be involved in many ways including: being trained to implement specific strategies, collecting data to guide how supports are delivered and contributing at team meetings where discussion regarding progress occurs.
13Is a diagnosis necessary to be eligible for services?
No. We work with several individuals who do not have a formal diagnosis of a specific disability yet require support to address behaviours of concern or struggle to develop skills.